
Presentations and Consulting

Page history last edited by Tara Richerson 7 years, 11 months ago


I am available to work with you on data visualization techniques, including how to build data dashboards. You can review information on my background and experience below. Please contact me for my complete résumé, references, and information on consulting services. 


Presentation materials for the following conferences are available for view and download:




About Me

I was born in Canada, raised in a small town near the Texas-Mexico border, and have spent most of my career in Washington state. Along the way, I've picked up a love of reading, cooking, watching old movies, and learning with others. I am a career educator, with over 20 years in public education, at the classroom, district, and state levels. I have worked the K-12 spectrum supporting science education, educational technology, and best practices for assessment and data use. I believe that every child should have access to a rigorous and supportive education. All children deserve safe and caring environments at home and at school. Every child can learn and achieve. In short, what happens in a classroom is about every child, every day. 


My Experience

I have presented at district and regional staff development events; provided small-group facilitation and consulting for departments; and presented national conferences, including the National Science Teachers Association and the ASCD. Topics have included grading practices, providing student feedback, and data visualization. I have engaged in reflective practice by blogging at What It's Like on the Inside for over 10 years, and started the Excel for Educators blog in 2011.  



Master’s of Secondary Education, 1994

Sul Ross State University

Emphasis of Study:  Gifted and Talented


Bachelor of Arts, 1990

University of Texas at Austin

Major:  Plan II Honors Program


Work Experience

  • August 2014 - present: Tumwater School District; Tumwater, Washington
  • August 2008 to 2014: Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction; Olympia, Washington
  • August 1996 to 2008: Central Kitsap and Bremerton School Districts; Bremerton, Washington         
  • August 1991 to May 1996: Carlsbad Municipal Schools; Carlsbad, New Mexico



  • 2011 ASCD Conference Scholar
  • AP Biology Reader for the College Board



Recognition from the Field

I attended your OSPI seminar last week and I have to say, about once a year I hear something that changes my educational life, and your presentation was just that.  Life-changing. 

—Teacher; Northshore School District


Your presentation the Winter Conference is exactly the direction I need to take my staff and it will align beautifully with the district vision as well.

—Principal; North Mason School District


We all want to thank you so much for coming to Ferris and helping us sort through our issues and thinking around Standards Based Grading.   You may not have realized it, but you helped give structure and balance to our conversations.

—Principal; Spokane School District


One of the best presentations I have attended so far—articulate, knowledgeable, even-handed, informative.

—ASCD 2010 Annual Conference Evaluator



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